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10 days


"Must. Have." - Reactions and Realities

"Must. Have."  I loved reading those words from a potential reader the other morning.  "Wow."  "Looks great!"  I've been encouraged by the positive reactions to The God Thought, and am grateful for those who've taken the time to learn more about it.  With 10 Days left in my Kickstarter to help fund marketing and publishing costs, and 60% funded, it's been a slow but steady climb.

I study the stats of my website every day.  People are visiting.  People are reading.  As far as the feedback I can see, people are enjoying!  This is great!  But in interacting with "Must - Have", I learned he's preferring to order the book from Barnes and Noble when it becomes available.  Which makes TOTAL sense!  And once published, The God Thought will be available through  Barnes and Noble, Amazon and iBooks, and all the top sellers.  If that's what potential fans are after - good on you - and thank you.  But for those who can't wait, know that by backing my Kickstarter, not only do you get a personalized version of the same book you'd find at the retailer, you'd get it EALRIER, and you'd be helping me across the finish line.  

But honestly - I'm just happy the audience is growing and people are getting excited to read it!  

I couldn't ask for more than that.

