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top sci-fi novels

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Meeting the Dream

My wife and I recently travelled to the United Kingdom.  It was the first time for both of us.  There was an abundance of sights to take in--the Tower of London, the Roman relics of Bath, the 1000 year old village of Lacock--but the place I was most excited to visit was an old arrangement of stones that had fascinated me since childhood--Stonehenge.  

This mysterious monolith had, in part, inspired me to write my first novel twenty years ago--Crusaders of a Dying Breed.  To see the stones before me with my own eyes, after having read written and dreamed about them for decades proved to be nothing short of a surreal experience.

No, I wasn't teleported to an alternate dimension (like what happens in my book).  I was simply lost in the splendor of it all.

I recently republished Crusaders with new cover artwork from my friend, Jose Emroca Flores.  As usual, Jose gave the cover a much needed facelift in his own unique style.  It's an Amazon exclusive, so if you've got a Kindle--check it out!

Jose's new artwork!

Jose's new artwork!

Original cover art from 1999.

Original cover art from 1999.

Dave Cravens is the author of the new science fiction thriller, The God Thought, available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

Dave Cravens is the author of the new science fiction thriller, The God Thought, available online at Amazon and Barnes and Noble!

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