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The God Thought : Concept Art

14 Days to go left in my Kickstarter, and I thought it would be a good time to highlight the unique and wonderful art of Jose Emroca Flores.  

I've had the privilege of working with several talented artists over the years, many of who have become good friends, but it was Jose's style that matched best the mood and theme I was going for.  I didn't want the characters or settings to be defined so much as "hinted" at.  The art needed to inspire its viewers with wonder, mystery and sense of danger.  Jose has this uncanny ability of capturing the essence of a scene, while still leaving much to the imagination.  

We talked for a couple of days as to who the farmer was, where he came from, what he was after.  And after going through several drafts and back and forth on ideas, Jose encapsulated it all wonderfully with the painting below, entitled: "The Burn."

I was impressed that Jose was able to include so many of the ideas behind the book into one image.  That's not an easy task.  Below is another variant of it entitled: "The Apple."  Ultimately, I preferred the first, but this one is worth mentioning because the prominent addition of the dog.  Like any good concept artist, Jose embellished upon several ideas I gave him and the dog just kind of showed up - though at the time there was no mention of him in my story.  "Farmers always have dogs, don't they?" he said to me.  

My grandfather was a farmer, and his place was littered with CATS.  

But I thought about it, and was struck with an idea as to what a dog would mean to the farmer and how it could play out in a scene I was writing at the time.  I love the result, and when you read the book, you'll know EXACTLY which scene I'm hinting at.  

If you like what you're seeing, you should really check out Jose's website!  He's a brilliant artist and a good friend.  And if you haven't pre-ordered your copy of The God Thought in my Kickstarter, check it out!  There are only 14 days left before it all shuts down!


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More Preview Chapters! 10/18

The next two installments (0.5, 1.0) include the ever controversial "Conspiracy Carl" and the first Narrative Chapter of the book describing Oliver Wells' return from his year long sojourn after the death of his wife and child.  You can find them in the Preview Chapters section by clicking below!

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What "The God Thought" ISN'T

For a third of my test readers, the very title of my book drove them to madness.  "It's going to turn people off," I was told.  "And I love your book!  I want people to read it, and I think some people are going to mistake it for some religious self-help thing!"

These were the impassioned pleas of a few, but they had a point.  Depending on one's background, an aversion to religion may very well turn a potential reader off who would otherwise really enjoy the story.  For me, the title spoke to what I felt was the unique plot point of the book itself!  "The god thought" is central to the entire idea, and married with the right image for the cover, I hoped would make people wonder what it's truly about and pick it up to read more about it.

I think I've settled on the right cover, thanks to the efforts of a good friend of mine, Matt Schiel.  The unsettling image speaks to a mystery most potential readers want to know more about!

But no, The God Thought is NOT a religious self-help book.  Nor is it appropriate for younger readers.  There are extremely adult, mature and violent themes that transpire within its pages.

What The God Thought IS, is an adventure of the wildest sort.  It is a journey of epic proportions. It is a test of one's outlook on life, death and everything in between.  But most of all, it is a thrilling story that I hope you'll enjoy.  I invite you to preview the sample pages I've posted, and come back every Tuesday to read more.

Note, that the book is told as a combination of social media postings, documents, and narrative chapters.  So it will be a few weeks before Chapter 1 is actually posted.  If you can't wait for it, contact me at and I'll send you an epub file of my first 100 pages.

Trust me, once most of you get rolling on this thing--you're not going to want to stop.

