Been working on the dialogue script for my Kickstarter video. Take a read, and let me know what you think! --DC
“It’s not a book I would normally read...but I’m glad I did. I really enjoyed the story!”
I heard that a lot from test readers. The feedback that followed was favorable -- the action and mystery were engaging, characters resonated as they should -- all the validation a writer could want. And yet, the first part of that statement haunted me:
“It’s not a book I would normally read...”
I’ve been writing a long time. Finished my first novel just after high school. As proud as I was, publishers didn’t know what to do with it. “We like it, we just don’t know how to sell it.” My stories often mix several genres -- they can be hard to label. So I was all, “I’m gonna self publish!” We’ll call that a learning experience.
Twenty years later, I’m ready for another go. Got a fresh new concept and I’d like to think my writing has matured. I’ve tested several drafts, had it professionally edited. I’m feeling good about the quality and execution -- I just need people to read it!
That’s where you come in.
I want you to take a chance on the story, read it, love it, back it, and talk to all your friends about it. So really, this Kickstarter--is all about you.
The money raised from your backing will wrap up publishing costs and fund vital PR and Marketing. But most importantly, it’s your voice that I really need to cut through all the clutter out there.
Years from now when The God Thought is a mega-hit (fingers crossed) I want you to be able to say to your friends: “Oh--you thought that book was awesome? I helped make that happen! You’re WELCOME!”
Which is why by pre-ordering through Kickstarter, you can be credited IN the final book. Your name would be printed in a special thanks section--immortalized forever as someone who backed it from the very beginning.
So--I invite you to take that chance. Go to my website, and read the preview chapters. Or, email me directly, and I’ll send you an e-pub file of the first one hundred pages.
Chances are, if you’ve made it this far--you’ll have a blast with the rest of it.