With just days to go in March, my initial hopes of bringing the finished novel to market by the end of the month are quickly evaporating.  This MAY have had something to do with my last minute decision to offer a HARDCOVER edition as well as the initial paperback edition.  Yup.  I did that.  As it turns out, it's easier to do it now than later.

My cover artist, the incomparable Matt Schiel, will be putting the final touches on the jacket layout for the hardcover this weekend.  We hope to submit that on Monday, and then there will be a QA process of the printing, etc.  After that, there's readying the Kindle version, the iBooks version and the Nook version, each with its own distinct format and challenges.  The good news is that production is "nearly" finished.  That's about as solid of answer I can get.  

One more week?  Two?  Three?

It needs to be done right.  And as soon it is, I'll be ramping up advertising, social media - the works.

Honestly, I'm desperate to just hold the darn thing in my hands!  The minute I get a copy, you can bet I'll be smearing a picture of it all over Facebook, Twitter and my website.

So, as I'm notoriously impatient when it comes to these things - how do I deal with the wait?


I work on the NEXT BOOK.
