Yesterday marked a big day - one that I've been waiting for, for a long, long time.  The God Thought finally became available for purchase online through - both the paperback edition, and the hardcover edition!  Slowly, as the book distributor catches up with its accounts, the novel will appear more and more places for sale online.  I've already seen the hard cover edition on Barnes and, and the paperback is sure to follow in the coming days.  The electronic editions for Kindle, Nook and iBooks will be available by Summer's start.  What does that leave?  The brick and mortar stores, which I must build momentum into before I can justify being stocked on shelves.  That's going to take a lot of time to accomplish, but I'm told selling books isn't a sprint - it's a marathon.

Which is why I look to all of you.  If you purchase the book and enjoy it - please spread the word.  Submit a review on Amazon.  Share the link with your friends!  And if you've got ideas for me that you think will help, let me know!

And to all the e-reader fans out there who can't wait for the summer to purchase your e-copy?  I'll make a deal with you.  Until the electronic versions are officially available, for anyone who buys a physical copy and emails me a picture of themselves holding it - I'll send you a special digital copy of the book for free.  Just email me your selfie with my book at

Thanks again to everyone who has followed me and supported this project these past several months. 

You rock!

